The Fifth Annual Conference on Global Higher Education at Lakeland University Japan
Presentation Summary
Gareth Price
Improving Learner Collocation through Corpus-Based Exercises
Asia University
1A • 9:50-11:10 • Utilizing Technology • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Gareth Price has been teaching English in Japan since 2010, with experience in eikaiwa, business English, and university. Gareth has worked at Asia University since 2016 and is now the Assistant Vice Director of the Center for English Language Education.
Selecting appropriate vocabulary is extremely important in producing natural-sounding English. Research has shown that chunking pre-fabricated language pieces together is central to the creation of speech and writing, and can also speed up language processing time. However, learning collocations can be difficult due to their semi-flexible nature. This presentation will highlight some practical ways that teachers can use data-driven learning, utilising online or paper-based corpora to improve students' ability to make natural collocations.
Jiwak Raj Bajracharya
Technology Integration in Higher Education: 3Os
International Christian University
1A • 9:50-11:10 • Utilizing Technology • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Jiwak Raj Bajracharya is a Ph.D. Candidate in Instructional Design and at the International Christian University, Japan. His thesis focused on the development and validation of a technology integration model for preservice teacher program. He has received several scholarships and research grants for his graduate research. And also, gained a wide range of experiences in the national and international conference. Presently, he has been also associated with the American Journal of Educational Research as a reviewer and member of the Journal of the Japanese Association for South Asia Studies. He had also established an NGO named “Transparent Edu Hands” provide educational support to low-economy and socially deprived children of Nepal. His philosophy about research is to make the positive change in the society.
This paper elucidates the 3Os of the technology integration as Opportunities; Obstacles; and Options that instructors of higher education could consider to integrate technology in a successful way. In the first instance, this paper highlight an Opportunities of the technology integration in higher education from the various perspectives, and then Obstacles from the instructors’ perspectives. Finally, Options were explored which was based on the empirical research findings.
Kelly Hansen
Reconstructing the Haiku of Basho after 3/11
Okayama University
1A • 9:50-11:10 • Utilizing Technology • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Kelly Hansen received her PhD in Japanese literature and linguistics from the University of Hawai’i. She is currently professor and academic English advisor in the Discovery Program for Global Learners at Okayama University. Her current research focuses on women’s voices in modern literature, film, and electronic publications, and the use of digital humanities for both research and classroom activities.
This talk examines a classroom unit in which digital humanities tools were used to link the haiku of Matsuo Basho with the Tohoku Earthquake and tsunami of 2011. Drawing on one contemporary poet’s attempt to reconstruct Basho’s route after 3/11 via twitter, students reconstruct Basho’s travel journals through the lens of contemporary events, thus recognizing the importance of premodern literary traditions while embracing new digital modes of creative output.
Laura MacGregor
EMI in Italy
Gakushuin University
1B • 9:50-11:10 • Kaigai: Beyond Japan • Room SGC 1 & 2
Laura MacGregor is a professor of English in the Faculty of International Social Sciences at Gakushuin University in Tokyo. She is currently researching EMI/CLIL at universities in Japan, Vietnam and Italy, including the preparatory courses supporting learner transition from studying English to studying in English.
English medium instruction (EMI) programs at Italian universities have significantly increased in number over the last five years. Goals include increasing student and staff mobility, attracting students from abroad, and fostering a global image. The presenter will report on interview, class observation, and survey results from a study of an established graduate EMI program at an Italian university to explore its development and to understand participants' experiences teaching or studying in English.
Paul Freeborn
THT Nepal: Learning from Each Other
Ritsumeikan University
1B • 9:50-11:10 • Kaigai: Beyond Japan • Room SGC 1 & 2
Paul Freeborn teaches English at Ritsumeikan University. He holds an MA in TESOL from Fresno Pacific University and an MA in English Literature from California State University Long Beach. He has more than 20 years of teaching experience in the US and Japan. In 2017, he participated in the THT Nepal Program.
THT Nepal conducts teacher training workshops that provide teachers based in Japan with the opportunity to work with Nepali teachers of English. In 2017, the JALT participants visited three different localities. This presentation will provide a report on the recent activities, as well as provide some insight into future goals for the program.
Randall W. Bollig
Global Topics - Global Experience
Konan University / Konan Women's University / Kobe College
1B • 9:50-11:10 • Kaigai: Beyond Japan • Room SGC 1 & 2
- From Colorado, U.S.A.
- BA in Education from the University of Northern Colorado and MA from the School for International Training, both U.S.A.
- Part-time professor at Konan Women’s University, Konan University, and Kobe College
- Experience teaching in the U.S.A, Australia, Papua New Guinea, Mexico, and Japan
- Member of JALT/THT SIG
- Director of Family & Friends Project: Leveling The Playing Field of Opportunity for Children in Nepal
This presentation is an invitation to both students and teachers to truly expand their horizons and gain a valuable global experience. One that will not only allow them to learn more about a different culture in general, but also better understand the problems faced by people in a developing country and meet the people working to overcome those difficuties, as well as work directly with Nepali teachers in their own environment and share ideas.
Dr. Brett R. Walter
Bringing Critical Thinking to the Language Classroom
Hiroshima University
1C • 9:50-11:10 • In the Classroom • Room SGC 3
Bio is not available at this time.
The introduction of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology’s (MEXT) “Super Global University Initiative,” has led universities across Japan to develop ways in which they can show the rest of the country that they are working to become “Global” in their own way. Through the development of their Globally-minded Teacher Training program, Hiroshima University’s School and Graduate School of Education have taken its first steps toward the creation of an IB program at the university. As one requirement for this IB certification includes proof of classes that promote critical thinking skills, the researcher has begun a study on introducing critical thinking to language classrooms. The goal of this presentation is to introduce participants to the development of this study and discuss the initial findings. Topics will include the development of the study (discussing the methodology), explanation of the assessment used, problems and limitations of this type of study, and a discussion of some solutions for these problems.
Michael Hollenback
Three the Hard Way: Combining CLIL, Genre Writing, and Global Citizenship Education
Konan University
1C • 9:50-11:10 • In the Classroom • Room SGC 3
Michael Hollenback is an instructor at Konan University
Global Citizenship Education (GCE) develops global knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes. As well, Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) provides a methodology which can allow for the incorporation of GCE into an EFL curriculum. However, many teachers reject the necessity of GCE or believe their learners incapable of participating in a CLIL framework. This presentation will develop an understanding of GCE and CLIL and promote the development of a CLIL curriculum with GCE principles.
Theo Slogar
Exploring Internationalization at a Global Studies Department. Results from a pilot study.
Ryukoku University, Graduate School of Intercultural Communication
1C • 9:50-11:10 • In the Classroom • Room SGC 3
I have a double Masters Degree from the University of Zagreb (Croatia) in Italian and Slovak language and literature. I also studied for three years at the Japanese Studies department at my university, which inspired me to apply for a research scholarship and continue my education in Japan. I am currently writing my Ph.D dissertation on internationalization of higher education in Japan at the Graduate School of Intercultural Communication at Ryukoku University (Kyoto). Having spent most of my life living and studying abroad, I have a keen interest in a range of issues related to global and international education, intercultural communication and foreign language learning.
The purpose of the presentation is to share the results from a pilot study conducted at an undergraduate, mostly English taught Global Studies department at a private university in the Kansai region. The pilot study, part of the researcher's Doctoral dissertation project, is aimed at identifying salient themes and issues to be explored further in later phases of the research. Initial, tentative ideas to pursue are drawn from the academic literature on internationalization of HE, language policy, English medium instruction and global education. A flexible, emergent research design will be adopted throughout the entire dissertation project.
Estela Hitomi Sato Shiratori, Mika Takahashi, Mika Yoshida, and Patrícia Yukari Hirano
Humanistic Education and Ethical Leadership
Soka University
2A • 11:25-12:45 • Culture and Leadership • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Estela Hitomi Sato Shiratori
A Brazilian of Japanese descent, Estela has studied in three different countries and is currently a student in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. Estela's research interests include leadership education and the creative arts for youth development. During her study abroad, she served as a Student Ambassador of Goldsmiths, University of London.
Mika Takahashi
Mika, is a senior in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. She provided leadership to two international field experiences for university students, from seven countries, to Hiroshima and India, examining the role of culture in peacebuilding. She is planning to pursue her master's degree in Musicking and Peacebuilding after her graduation from Soka University.
Mika Yoshida
Mika is a senior in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. Her current research focuses on the potential of cultivating leadership in a business setting to develop human resources. Her leadership experiences, in both Japan and the United States, interacting with students from ten countries over five years, led to her interest in emotional and cultural intelligence and the role of leadership in achieving shared goals.
Patrícia Yukari Hirano
Patrícia' international experiences include working as a volunteer with physically disabled children in Brazil, as well as teaching English and Math in an after-school program in the UK. She is currently studying in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan, and her research aims to develop ethical leadership based on humanistic values, towards the resolution of social and cultural conflicts.
In global higher education, a liberal arts education is an interdisciplinary approach aiming to develop knowledge and capabilities in an individual's life to develop responsible traits. This study examined how does an interdisciplinary approach in humanistic education develop ethical leadership. Ethical leadership contains five principles: respect, service, justice, honesty, and community. The findings of this exploratory case study will examine the development of student's values and the role of relationships based on care and inclusion.
Maria Guajardo
Authentic Leadership and Developing Self-Reflection
Soka University
2A • 11:25-12:45 • Culture and Leadership • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Maria Guajardo is Deputy Vice-President and Professor at Soka University, Tokyo. Her research is on leadership development, with a focus on women as global leaders. A child psychologist, Maria’s current research explores women’s leadership in Japan, as well as humanistic education. A recent publication includes Humanism as the Foundation for Global Citizen Education, published in 2016. Maria received her A.B. from Harvard University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Denver.
Authentic leadership requires self-awareness, self-reflection, and mindfulness. Preparing students to become leaders on a global stage can be developed through authentic leadership development, however, what are the challenges and best practices for introducing this teaching strategy? This reflective course analysis focused on the development of leadership skills in university students. Examination of the lives of global leaders, along with discussions of leadership, coupled with reflective and experiential exercises, were developed to increase self-awareness and self-reflection.
Michael C. Boyce
Exclusion in the academy: Is inclusion driving polarization?
Aichi University
2A • 11:25-12:45 • Culture and Leadership • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Over the past twenty years, Michael Boyce has taught in conversation classes, corporate programs, and at universities in the Tokai area of Japan. His current research and practical interests include environmental and organizational conflict resolution. Recently, Mr. Boyce has been writing and presenting on topics related to conflict resolution education, inclusion, and service learning. In his free time, Michael is the volunteer director of both bSEEN Enshunada Environmental Network and KneeBoard Surfing Japan.
While at first glance, inclusion appears to be a fantastic goal, it has increasingly been used in a more narrow interpretation to mean only including all parties who fit pre-determined criteria for being acceptable to the group. This is not inclusion, but in fact, exclusion.
This presentation will briefly review how we have come to this polarized world, and offer ideas for how we can move forward to a more truly inclusive academic environment.
Frederick Bacala
Culture and Cultural Interference in Second Language Learning
Yokohama City University
2B • 11:25-12:45 • Language, Linguistics, and Culture • Room SGC 1 & 2
Frederick Bacala is currently a Practical English Instructor at Yokohama City University. He has been teaching English for over 18 years, and is interested in linguistics, culture studies, and World Englishes. He has a Masters of Education degree from Northcentral University and is currently a Doctoral candidate at Taft University, working on his dissertation.
Culture, in all its forms, can play an integral part in interference. Language is one aspect of culture, so L1 interference has been researched throughout. But how about ‘culture?’ Culture of the curriculum, culture of the classroom environment, culture of where the L2 is being studied, and other points can be referenced to ‘culture.’ We'll go over the points of ‘culture’ and address the importance of a teacher’s understanding of culture in the classroom.
Anna Lelenkova
Teaching a Foreign Language as an Important Mean of International Collaboration on the Example of the Japanese Language
St.Petersburg State University, Russia
2B • 11:25-12:45 • Language, Linguistics, and Culture • Room SGC 1 & 2
Academic Background: Bachelor and Master degrees in Asian and African studies. Position: PhD candidate and Lecturer at the Department of Japanese studies, St. Petersburg State University. Field of academic interest: the history of Japan’s foreign policy in the XXth century; the foreign policy of Japan during the Second World War; Japan-India political relations in the postwar period; teaching methodologies of the Japanese language etc.
The needs in the international collaboration in the 21st century realities with its process of globalization lead to working out the appropriate methodology of teaching a foreign language at University. The foreign language skills have historically been used as a “key” for better understanding the specifics of mentality of the other people, that is especially true for the Japanese. Thus, the teaching and learning the Japanese language need a comprehensive approach, included different aspects.
Robert J. Lowe and Luke Lawrence
Duoethnographic research in applied linguistics and language teaching
Tokyo Kasei University, Yokohama City University
2B • 11:25-12:45 • Language, Linguistics, and Culture • Room SGC 1 & 2
Duoethnography is a form of qualitative enquiry in which two researchers juxtapose their life histories and engage in critical dialogue in order to investigate different understandings of the world. In this presentation, after giving an explanation of duoethnography and how it developed, we will provide a guide to conducting duoethnographic research, alongside examples from our own research. The presentation will conclude with a discussion focusing on potential future uses of this research method in ELT.
James P. Lassegard
Collaborative Intercultural Learning in International Higher Education
Hosei University
2C • 11:25-12:45 • The Japanese University • Room SGC 3
James P. Lassegard is a Professor at Hosei University in Tokyo. He completed a Master’s degree in Educational Administration at the University of Minnesota and holds a Doctorate in Educational Sociology from Nagoya University. His research interests involve the internationalization of higher education, including student mobility, intercultural education, and internationalization of the curriculum.
The globalization of higher education has contributed to the growth of educational settings where students from diverse national, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds learn together. In Discover Japan, an academic course offered at a private university in Tokyo, students engage collaboratively to accomplish fieldwork assignments on topics related to Japanese society. This study investigates the potential learning gains these intercultural interactions have for international and domestic (Japanese) participants. Preliminary findings indicate students reporting communicative challenges within groups, the development of strategies used to overcome challenges, and how this process translates into learning that is significant and transformative.
Joshua John Jodoin
Evaluating the role Environmental Content found in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Materials in Japanese Higher Education Play in Creating Global Citizens
Kyoto University
2C • 11:25-12:45 • The Japanese University • Room SGC 3
Joshua Jodoin is currently an Associate Lecturer of English (ALE) at Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Japan as well as a PhD student in Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES). He has previously worked at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey as a language teacher. Joshua’s current interests revolve around Environmental Education (EE), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and English as a Foreign Language (EFL).
EFL materials often adopt sustainability topics in textbooks and classes, however, these materials often fail to give this content serious attention. The researcher will posit that environmental content taught in EFL courses needs a more considered role based on research using a corpus of sample texts commonly found in Japanese higher education. This presentation will be applicable to teachers that want to make environmental and sustainability content more engaging and pertinent for their students.
Monir Hossain Moni
Higher Education as a Gimmick of Soft Power: Japanese Universities Compared to Major English-Speaking Universities Worldwide
Asia Pacific Institute for Global Studies (APIGS)
2C • 11:25-12:45 • The Japanese University • Room SGC 3
A recipient of second Masters as well as doctoral degree from two Tokyo-based Japanese universities, Monir Hossain Moni is currently a Research Professor and Head of Program on New & Global Japan at the Asia Pacific Institute for Global Studies (APIGS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh's capital. His widely-defined field of interest and expertise includes global multi-disciplinary and cross-comparative research encompassing 21st century Asia with a cornerstone on Japan in a vibrant but volatile region of Northeast Asia.
This originally knowledgeable piece longingly culminates that the globe’s well-known university destination countries should put great ideas on the table to flawlessly convey the values of cultural soft power capabilities resulted from their higher education architectures contributing to the betterment of humankind in a hardheaded and perishing world in opposition to their billion-dollar soft power pushes by exporting higher education as international commodity or universities as multinational businesses for their own benefit and national branding.
Christopher G. Haswell
Implementing an effective teaching assistant program using international students
Kyushu University
3A • 1:55-3:15 • Institutional Challenges • SGC 1 & 2
Christopher G. Haswell is from the U.K. and received his doctorate from the University of Sheffield. He has been working in Japan for over 15 years. His research covers the internationalization of higher education, in particular the experiences of teachers and students in this era of increased academic mobility.
This presentation introduces findings from a multi-year research project involving international student teaching assistants, teachers, and program coordinators. The major finding of this study was that the benefits of using international students in the role of teaching assistant were not consistently achieved due to a lack of program direction and resistance from teachers. This presentation provides concrete examples of what can be done to produce a teaching assistance program that is beneficial for all involved.
Kathryn Mabe
Helping Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in the EFL classroom
Asia University
3A • 1:55-3:15 • Institutional Challenges • SGC 1 & 2
The presenter will focus upon three areas. Firstly, signs that a learner may have ASD will be discussed. This will be followed by an outline of the problems that students with ASD may face in the classroom. Finally, the presenter will draw on both her own experience of teaching learners with ASD and related literature in the area to offer practical tips on how instructors can help these students in their own classes.
Mary Hillis
Learning through tutoring: International students' experiences from the writing center
Kwansei Gakuin University
3A • 1:55-3:15 • Institutional Challenges • SGC 1 & 2
Mary Hillis is an Associate Lecturer of English in the School of Policy Studies at Kwansei Gakuin University. She coordinates the EC5/6 Writing courses and the Learning Assistance Center in the English Language Program.
This presentation will focus on a university writing center where international student tutors assisted Japanese students with their academic writing in English. A survey, based on the Peer Writing Tutor Alumni Research Project (Hughes, Gillespie, & Kail, 2010), was sent to former tutors. Results provide insight into their perceived skill improvement, and point to how tutoring affected their study abroad and future work or study. Advantages and challenges of this global approach will be discussed.
Patrick Shorb
From ‘Assessment for Excellence’ to ‘Teaching Excellence Frameworks:’ Evaluating Higher Education Learning in the U.S., U.K., and Beyond, 1990-2018.
Akita International University
3B • 1:55-3:15 • Education Policies • Room SGC 1 & 2
This presentation will explore the alternative ways that higher education “excellence” has been imagined. It will place Alexander Astin’s distinctly American understanding of higher education “excellence” within a transnational context. After exploring how the approaches suggested in “Assessment for Excellence” have impacted contemporary United States higher education, the presentation will compare and contrast its ideas to the assumptions embodied in the recently implemented Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) of the United Kingdom. The ramifications for how these models have impacted other higher education systems such as Japan will also be examined.
Tim Newfields
An Information Theory Perspective on Study Abroad: Case Studies from Taiwan & Japan
Toyo University
3B • 1:55-3:15 • Education Policies • Room SGC 1 & 2
Information theory offers one interesting way to consider the study abroad process. This presentation outlines how the official study abroad websites of Taiwan and Japan attempt to convert complex information about overseas study into simple, memorable info-bytes. Practical suggestions about making intended study abroad messages clearer will be considered along with some ways that study abroad tends to be mythicized and commercially packaged.
Yu-Hsuan Lin
Pursuing Teaching Excellence or Fallacy? Institutional Ethnography of Performance Management in Higher Education Reform in Taiwan
Nanhua University
3B • 1:55-3:15 • Education Policies • Room SGC 1 & 2
Since the mid-1990s, the governance of higher education in Taiwan has been influenced by new managerialism, making extensive use of performance indicators (PI) to manage educational programs. Based on institutional ethnography, this article traces the actual practice of university workers under this governance policy reform and the changes it brings. It shows that the PI mandates have activated a ruling apparatus of de-professionalism, making the original goal of the pursuit of “Teaching Excellence” unachievable.
Chika Kitano and Elisabeth Morinaga Williams
Critical Reflections on Interviewer Positionality
Osaka University Graduate School of Human Sciences
3C • 1:55-3:15 • Research on Culture • Room SGC 3
Chika Kitano and Libby Morinaga Williams are Ph.D. candidates at Osaka University in the Graduate School of Human Science. Their research interests include gender, identity, study abroad, and internationalisation of education.
This presentation discusses the researcher reflexivity and the interview processes of two doctoral students with similar research topics and participants, but who have very different life histories. Both researchers interviewed young Japanese adults regarding their international experiences abroad and analysed their data through a gendered approach. This presentation challenges the binary perception of interviewer as insider or outsider and argues for a nuanced understanding of researcher positionality in the continuously diversifying world of education. (Chika), (Elisabeth)
Erica Kawabata, Yuka Kato, En Ling Chow, and Makoto Kamata
Global Higher Education and the Value of Happiness
Soka University
3C • 1:55-3:15 • Research on Culture • Room SGC 3
En Ling Chow
A Malaysian of Chinese descent, En Ling is currently a senior in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. En Ling’s research interests include leadership development in the West and the East. Her international leadership experiences include serving as a resident assistant in interacting with students from six countries, as well as facilitating the school’s festival in the foreign student secretary department.
Erica Kawabata
Erica is a Japanese American currently studying in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. Erica’s interests include leadership in cultivating peaceful global societies through the studies of environmental education and the mediums of creative visual arts. Her leadership experience include various art related projects in the US, Japan, and the UK in aims of positive empowerment within individuals in the global community.
Makoto Kamata
Makoto is a senior in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. His research aims to study the core values of soka education and how soka educators can lead and contribute to the development of happiness for students. His leadership experience includes being a vice faculty student council member assisting faculty activities such as welcome parties and open campus.
Yuka Kato
Yuka is a senior in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts, Soka University, Japan. Her current research focuses on educational leadership through examining how teachers of the educational NPO, Teacher For America, motivate children to discover their potential. She provided leadership in organizing the university’s international dormitory, as a dormitory leader, assisting 100 students from eight countries.
Scholars such as Dewey and Noddings state that the main purpose of education is achieving happiness. By extension, global higher education should enable students to grow and achieve happiness by realizing their own unique potential and life values. This presentation will examine the development of potential and values from a university student’s perspective through the analysis of student experiences, the development of self-awareness and cross-cultural understanding.
Laurel Lee
Leadership Identity Development in College Aged Females: A Student Perspective
Soka University/Soka University of America
3C • 1:55-3:15 • Research on Culture • Room SGC 3
Laurel Lee is a graduate of the Faculty of International Liberal Arts at Soka University, Tokyo. As an undergraduate, she has presented at national, regional, and international conferences on topics including student leadership and cultural intelligence. Passionate about the empowerment of youth, she has been supporting young females in an international non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the values of peace, culture and education. Originally from Singapore, she is currently a non-degree student embracing Japanese.
Can global higher education foster global leaders ready to create transformational change? This case study examines female leadership identity development, exploring self-perception on leadership abilities, alongside cultural and gender influences. The findings shed light on the importance of including young voices, our future change makers and leaders of society. Exploring the leadership perspectives of college-age females will add value to the research needed to meet the challenges of global education.
Ashima Mehra and Masayoshi Ishino
Cultivating Global Competency through a Language Arts curriculum: A case study of Tokyo Soka Senior High School
Tokyo Soka Senior High School
4A • 4:35-5:55 • Global Citizenship • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Ashima Mehra: English teacher at Tokyo Soka High school since 2013
Masayoshi Ishino: Chief of English Department and Vice Chairperson of Super Global High School Committee at Soka High School.
This presentation investigates the long term outcomes of a Language Arts Curriculum to prepare students for university level content-based English courses in addition to developing their written language skills and global competency. The effectiveness of the program is analyzed and best practices are proposed for high schools around Japan to prepare students for global higher studies.
Emiliano Bosio
Global Citizenship Education and Global Value-creators Faculties. The Age of Social Contribution, Civic Commitment and Global Disposition.
Yokohama City University & University College London - Institute of Education
4A • 4:35-5:55 • Global Citizenship • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Emiliano Bosio, full-time Lecturer at Yokohama City University, Japan and Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (CPA) at University College London, UK. His work is centered on developing and integrating innovative approaches to Global Citizenship Education (GCE) into university curricula across Asia, Europe and the US. Mr. Bosio's research embraces education policies for global citizenship, Intercultural-Communication/Adaptation, Second-Language Acquisition, Value Creating Education and transformative education.
Building on a transformative ‘value-creating’ dimension of global citizenship education, I present the results of an exploratory survey study investigating the current practices of twenty-two faculties, situated in Asia, the US and Europe, that teach global citizenship graduate and undergraduate courses and examine the set of principles that guide the development of social contributive, civic committed and global disposed learners, and outline the goals of a curriculum for global citizenship education.
Junior Menezes
Educational Leadership in Brazil: Resonant Leadership and Adaptive Leadership for Social Change
Soka University/Soka University of America
4A • 4:35-5:55 • Global Citizenship • 2F LUJ Main Bldg.
Junior Menezes is about to move to California to start his master's in Educational Leadership and Societal Change at Soka University of America. He was born in a lower middle class family in Brazil and has struggled to have access to higher education. Nonetheless, Junior has managed to live and work in six countries. As a result, Junior has acquired an in-depth perspective of global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding. His dream is to be an educational leader capable of promoting social justice, bringing positive social change to minorities and marginalized societies.
This study examines the relationship between educational leadership and social change. It examines the leadership style of an educational leader in São Paulo, Brazil. A representative of the institution was interviewed and her responses were analyzed according to contemporary leadership theories. The goal of this study is to examine the relationship between educational leadership and social change, attempting to identify leadership features that could be used as
models for social change in Brazil.
Micky A. Babalola, Brett R. Walter, and Aaron C. Sponseller
Global Education: The Role of Content-Based Learning/Instruction in Preparing Students for Study Abroad Program (s)
Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
4B • 4:35-5:55 • Study Abroad • Room SGC 1 & 2
This study describes the role of content-based instruction as a possible strategy for preparing students to study abroad to improve their confidence and extend their interests beyond language study and into national and global issues. The research presented here focuses primarily on the ASEAN International Mobility for Students Program (AIMS) study abroad program at Hiroshima University. The students who participated in this study were preparing for a six-month study abroad program in Thailand.
Dr. Anthony L. Fenton, Stephen Jennings, and Hayato Seikido
Short-term Japanese educational mobility: Agents, programs and quality assurance
Hosei University (Dr. Fenton); Tokyo University of Science (Dr. Jennings); Showa Women's University (Mr. Seikido)
4B • 4:35-5:55 • Study Abroad • Room SGC 1 & 2
Anthony Fenton teaches at Hosei University in the Faculty of Global and Interdisciplinary Studies. His research interests center around the effects of globalisation on higher education, as such relates to issues of quality assurance.
Stephen Jennings teaches at Tokyo University of Science. His focus is on economic globalisation, and how such has encouraged both the internationalisation of university education in Japan and his institution in particular. He is currently finishing up a doctoral thesis in how internationalisation affects English language curricula and the teachers that engage with its renewal.
Hayato Seikido is an administrator at Showa Women's University. His research interests lend to the application of administrative policy as such applies to international students.
Internationalisation – an institutional response to globalisation dynamics – and QA for HE are imperatives in the current global market. QA also applies to vulnerabilities and safety issues associated with international branding and profile, income generation, student and staff development, strategic alliances and knowledge production. The focus of our study is on Japanese agents and their marketing of short-term study abroad programs to students at universities in Japan. Qualitative lines of inquiry used in this study include action-based learning that is exploratory in focus, revealing the potential for further investigation of the study abroad programs at universities. To date, no studies have been conducted to evaluate agent recruitment of Japanese university students into short-term study abroad programs. By exploring marketing practices, agency networks and affiliations, it is expected that this investigation will proffer insights into issues of competitive advantages, cost-effectiveness, security and liability, as well as quality assurance.
Wayne Malcolm
Creating Globally Competent Human Resources - Findings from a Qualitative Case Study
University of Fukui
4B • 4:35-5:55 • Study Abroad • Room SGC 1 & 2
Wayne Malcolm has been a teacher of the English language in Japan since October 2012. Having taught in a variety of environments, he currently is engaged in the university environment. His focus is study abroad research, project based learning, oral communication skills, case study research design, and qualitative research methods.
This presentation contains the findings from a multi-year qualitative case study conducted at a national university in Japan. The voices and perceptions of the study participants will be illustrated. Based on those voices and perceptions, recommendations for leaders in business, government and academia will also be presented, along with implications for future research.
Kevin C. Browne
Applying language testing methodology to pronunciation pedagogy
Yamanashi Prefectural University
4C • 4:35-5:55 • New Strategies for Teaching • Room SGC 3
Kevin C. Browne is an associate professor of English in the department of policy management at Yamanashi Prefectural University in Japan. He completed his PhD in Language Testing at the University of Leicester in the UK, an MA in Applied Linguistics at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Kevin's research interests are primarily concerned with pronunciation scoring and high stakes assessments like TOEFL, IELTS and TOEIC.
This presentation reveals how research in language testing that determined threats to validity on tests like the TOEFLiBT influenced pronunciation pedagogy in university EFL classrooms. I'll explain how teachers can utilize their familiarities with accents and gain a greater understanding of unfamiliar accents using the Speech Accent Archive. How to construct accent-specific practice texts will be included. This presentation could be useful to teachers coping with international classes or seeking new ideas in pronunciation pedagogy.
Steven Bohme
Motivating Students to Increase Classroom Participation through Augmented Assessment
Hoshi University
4C • 4:35-5:55 • New Strategies for Teaching • Room SGC 3
Steven Bohme has been in Japan for over 30 years and currently teaches at both Hoshi University and NYU Tokyo.
This presentation describes a unique assessment method that motivates students to volunteer in class; thereby increasing the number of student speech acts and the quality of associated class discussions, both in language classes and other content courses.