The Third Annual Conference on Global Higher Education at Lakeland University Japan
Presentation Summary
Caleb Pritchard and John Rucynski, Jr.
Building Bridges through Collaborative Projects between Japanese and International Students
Okayama University
1A • 9:50-11:10 • Issues of International Students • Room SGC 1 & 2
Caleb Prichard is an Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages at Okayama University. His research interests include CALL, L2 reading strategies, and the use of eye tracking technology in language education.
John Rucynski, Jr. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Foreign Languages at Okayama University. His research interests include content-based instruction, the integration of language and culture teaching, and the role of humor in language education. He is the co-author of the textbooks Surprising Japan, Surprising Japan2 (Shohakusha) and Working in Japan (Cengage Learning) and the editor of New Ways in Teaching with Humor (TESOL Press).
To make global education more than just a buzzword, it is important to arrange more collaborative activities between Japanese and international students. The presenters will outline the steps of two collaborative projects they carried out, explain advantages and complications, and share student reactions.
Derek F. DiMatteo
International Students and the Political Economy of Global Higher Education
Indiana University
1A • 9:50-11:10 • Issues of International Students • Room SGC 1 & 2
Derek DiMatteo is Associate Instructor in the Department of English at Indiana University-Bloomington. His field is post-1945 American literature and cultural studies, and interests include representations of schooling in US culture, critical university studies, critical ethnic studies, globalization and the transnational, and critical pedagogy. He currently teaches courses in composition while completing his dissertation on higher education protest literature. He holds an MAT in English Education from Tufts University and taught in Japan from 2003-2012.
A cultural studies analysis of higher education institutions as ambiguous bridges between worlds, and the effects on international students. Using the novel The Reluctant Fundamentalist, this presentation illustrates a political economy of global higher education shaped by neoliberal capitalism in which international students seeking self-realization consume higher ed as a product, while those same students are themselves packaged and consumed. The novel also illustrates modes of resistance that graduates can take, within and without academia.
Matthias Hennings
The First Step Toward Designing Attractive Programs for International Students: Understanding the Expectations of Foreign Students in Japan
Kwansei Gakuin University
1A • 9:50-11:10 • Issues of International Students • Room SGC 1 & 2
Matthias Hennings is Associate Professor of Japanese Studies and coordinator for the Modern Japan Program at Kwansei Gakuin University. After receiving his Ph.D., he has been working as a coordinator for international university partnerships at Hamburg University, Germany and lecturer for Japanese Studies at Hitotsubashi University and Saitama University, Japan. His research interests include the Japanese labor market, internationalization of Japanese universities and the promotion of global human capital in higher education.
Japanese universities have been largely unsuccessful in sufficiently restructuring their classes and curricula in ways that meet the expectations of international students. This presentation provides data about such expectations based on a survey of more than 130 international students at a private university. It also analyses the extent to which the expectations of the students have been met by their host university, and which factors have helped them achieve their goal of studying in Japan.
Dr. Anthony L. Fenton and Dr. Kirby Record
Internationalisation and Corruption in Higher Education: A non-fictional narrative of weak leadership, poor planning, and BAD management
Temple University
1B • 9:50-11:10 • Institutional Policies: Successes and Otherwise • Room SGC 3
Globalisation greatly impacts how it is that universities approach internationalisation. Corruption in higher education is an emergent theme with very few case studies available in the literature. This ethnography draws on the free narratives of participants in the formation of a liberal arts college in Asia where corruption has crippled its development. Offered is a cautionary tale of the financial and human toll of corruption for other institutions embarking on a similar path.
Michael Hollenback
The expected and unexpected failures of the Global 30 project
Konan University
1B • 9:50-11:10 • Institutional Policies: Successes and Otherwise • Room SGC 3
The Global 30 project is an undertaking by the Japanese government to ‘internationalize’ higher education in Japan. However, even when viewing this through a neoliberal or humanistic lens, the project has failed in both its explicit and implicit goals. This presentation looks at the Global 30 project, its policies and implementation, and how its failures have affected internationalization in higher education in Japan.
Wayne Malcolm
Creating a Globally-Minded Workforce: The Case of a Japanese National University Under the Go Global Japan Initiative
University of Fukui
1B • 9:50-11:10 • Institutional Policies: Successes and Otherwise • Room SGC 3
Wayne Malcolm is from the United States, but has been living and working in Japan since 2002. With a varied background he is now teaching English at the University of Fukui Language Center. His research interests include study abroad, project-based learning, self-access spaces in language learning, and ethnomusicology. He is an active member of JALT. When not teaching he is either running, musically involved, listening to podcasts, soaking up politics, and or facebooking.
This presentation will report on a multi-year case study at a medium-sized Japanese national university that received government funding under the Go Global Japan initiative. The primary question of inquiry was, “how do Japanese companies value long term study abroad programs when it comes to building the workforce of the future?” Surveys, questionnaires and interviews were completed throughout a broad population. Also, documents were collected. The analysis will be presented and discussed.
Gareth Price
Improving Article Accuracy by Raising Metalinguistic Awareness
Asia University
1C • 9:50-11:10 • The Classroom: From Theory into Practice • Room LUJ 2C
This presentation examines how we can improve students' accuracy with definite and indefinite articles by raising metalinguistic awareness. Prompting students to make educated guesses about the semantic context of a noun can help them to apply articles with more accuracy. Furthermore, helping students to make judgements on the context of a conversation can improve their selection of definite and indefinite articles.
James Parker and Dr. Ryan Rashotte
Teaching Ideology and Hegemony in the Transcultural Classroom
Lakeland University Japan
1C • 9:50-11:10 • The Classroom: From Theory into Practice • Room LUJ 2C
James Parker holds a Master’s in TESOL from Temple University, and a degree in Visual Communication Design (Animation) from Middlesex University.
Ryan Rashotte holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Guelph, and is the author of Narco Cinema: Sex, Drugs, and Banda Music in Mexico's B-Filmography (2015).
Both teach in the Writing Program at Lakeland University Japan.
This presentation offers an experiential approach to teaching ideology and hegemony in the transcultural university classroom. After preliminary consideration of the two concepts, we outline a practical methodology, and discuss how we have attempted to meet its inherent challenges by making what can be difficult theoretical concepts accessible to a mix of ESL and native-English-speaking university students; and by weaving the concepts into the rhetorical fabric of the course to encourage critical reflection.
Todd LeRoux
Authentic Material in the EFL Classroom: Using Movies and Television
Hakuoh University
1C • 9:50-11:10 • The Classroom: From Theory into Practice • Room LUJ 2C
Todd Leroux hails from Winnipeg, Canada. He is currently a full-time lecturer at Hakuoh University in Oyama, Tochigi.
A brief outline of learner opinions, instructor practices and institutional policy as regards movie and/or television content as class material. Guidelines for good practices are presented based on a review of literature and an investigation of a popular textbook series that incorporates authentic material as content. This presentation may be useful to instructors wishing to increase learner engagement, as well as for program coordinators interested in incorporating additional authentic material into a curriculum.
Anderson Passos
Bridging ICT and Global Citizenship Instruction
Miyazaki International College
2A • 11:25-12:45 • Institutional Challenges • Room SGC 1 & 2
Anderson Passos teaches computer-related courses at Miyazaki International College, where he shares his classroom with an English language instructor in a CLIL setting for all his first-year courses. His passion for teaching makes him continually search for new ways to teach content using English as a medium to his Japanese students.
In this presentation, the audience will learn how a Global Citizenship course was implemented in our institution and how the ICT Module topics were chosen in order to construct a line of thought that grows deep into social, political and economic issues, human rights and reflect into our modern way of living.
Laurel Lee, Adilson Menezes Junior, Gloria Steiner, and Hideyuki Toda
Cultivating Cultural Intelligence and Leadership in Global Higher Education
Soka University
2A • 11:25-12:45 • Institutional Challenges • Room SGC 1 & 2
Lee Laurel • Laurel Lee is a fourth-year student in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts at Soka University, Tokyo, Japan. In an effort to address a global issue, she has initiated and successfully organised the International Anti-nuclear Exhibition, “Transforming the Human Spirit” in Goldsmiths, University of London during her study abroad with her multi-cultural team from five countries. Originally from Singapore, she is fluent in English, Mandarin Chinese and is currently embracing Japanese.
Menezes Junior Adilson • Junior Menezes was born in Brazil and has lived in six countries. As a result, he has acquired an in-depth perspective of global citizenship and cross-cultural understanding. Junior is in his final year at the FILA program at Soka University and is planning to pursue his master studies in Educational Leadership in the USA. Junior has been teaching English in both Brazil and Japan for more than five years.
Steiner Gloria • With an Austrian background, Gloria Steiner moved to Japan when she was 18 years old. Through studying in a multi-cultural environment for more than four years, she developed a global mindset and learned to embrace diversity while deepening her cross-cultural understanding by living in two international dormitories with students from all over the world. She is currently a fourth-year student in the Faculty of International Liberal Arts at Soka University.
Toda Hideyuki • Hideyuki Toda is pursuing his Bachelor degree in an all-English program at Soka University. He cultivated cultural intelligence through studying abroad for one year each in the USA and the United Kingdom. Through his experience as a participant-observer for academic research in Malaysia, he gained awareness of the importance of an inclusive society. He plans to utilise the skills acquired in Soka University as a global social entrepreneur. He is originally from Kanagawa, Japan.
Culturally intelligent leaders are needed in today’s society, building bridges across cultures. Higher education is one vehicle for cultivating these qualities. Research has highlighted that developing cultural intelligence is crucial for the success of global leadership. In this presentation, the development of cultural intelligence will be featured via a student’s perspective based on a humanistic academic curriculum, co-curricular activities, and supportive cultural traditions.
Maria Guajardo
Teaching Global Perspectives and Leadership: Bridge Building in Higher Education
Soka University
2A • 11:25-12:45 • Institutional Challenges • Room SGC 1 & 2
Maria Guajardo is Deputy Vice-President and Professor at Soka University, Tokyo, Japan. Her expertise is leadership, with a focus on women, global leaders and the Latina/o experience. A child psychologist, Maria’s current research explores women’s leadership in Japan, as well as humanistic education. A recent publication includes Humanism as the Foundation for Global Citizen Education, published in 2016. Maria received her A.B. from Harvard University, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Denver.
How to prepare students to become global leaders? This presentation will share theoretical perspectives and teaching strategies for building bridges through courses taught on leadership and global competencies. Leadership theories and models, coupled with reflective and experiential exercises, are utilized to expand students’ perspectives on leadership in general, and global leadership in particular, along with global competencies, and personal development. Challenges and insights to preparing globally-minded students will be discussed.
Annette Bradford
Travelling between cultures in the internationalized classroom
Meiji Univeristy
2B • 11:25-12:45 • Questions of Culture • Room SGC 3
Annette Bradford is an associate professor in the School of Business Administration at Meiji University. Prior to joining Meiji University, she completed a Council on Foreign Relations International Affairs Fellowship in Japan. Her current research focuses on student mobility and the internationalization of Japanese universities, with a focus on the introduction of English-taught programs. She holds a doctorate in Educational Administration and Policy Studies from the George Washington University.
In an era of international student mobility and internationalization, higher education classrooms in Japan are becoming increasingly diverse. There is a growing need to find new ways of thinking about teaching and learning. This presentation conveys a Japanese professor’s reflections on the journeys taken as she travels between cultures in her internationalized classrooms. It explores her feelings of “fit” and discomfort as she navigates different contexts, and describes the ways she approaches complex classroom situations.
Carmen Sapunaru Tamas and Irina Holca
Japan in the World, the World in Japan: a Methodological Approach
Kobe University
2B • 11:25-12:45 • Questions of Culture • Room SGC 3
With an increasing number of universities offering lectures in Japanese humanities, taught in English by non-Japanese instructors, has arisen the need for a methodology of teaching Japanese studies. Our presentation will address this issue from the double perspective of literature and anthropology. We intend to discuss this topic from a methodological perspective, using practical examples from our classroom experience, and hoping to sparkle a productive discussion with members of the audience.
Tim Craig
Building Cultural Understanding in the Classroom: Teaching Cases on Japan's Cultural Industries
BlueSky Academic Services
2B • 11:25-12:45 • Questions of Culture • Room SGC 3
Tim Craig holds a Ph.D. in International Business and master’s degrees in East Asian Studies and International Management. He has 20 years’ teaching and research experience in Canadian and Japanese business schools, and before that taught ESL in Japan for 15 years. He is founder of BlueSky Academic Services (, which, in addition to editing and translation, publishes case studies on Japan’s cultural industries. He is rhythm guitarist and lead singer for the Osaka-based Zen Brothers band.
One way to build cultural understanding of Japan is by using "teaching cases" on Japan's cultural industries. This presentation demonstrates use of the case "AKB48: The Making of a Pop Idol Juggernaut.” Students learn about the social and cultural environment that underlies AKB48's success in Japan, and explore the possibilities, and limitations, of international expansion: Is AKB48’s appeal Japan-specific or can the group, or the model it is based on, succeed overseas as well?
Aaron Hahn
Globalization in the University English Classroom: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Fukuoka University
2C • 11:25-12:45 • Classroom Discourse • Room LUJ 2C
Aaron Hahn is a Lecturer at Fukuoka University in Japan. He currently conducts research on how English language modeling can positively impact pedagogical practice, along with critical discourse analysis of TESOL scholarship.
This presentation reports on an ongoing analysis of published lesson plans for university English teachers. Using critical discourse and corpus analysis tools, I examine how this discourse shapes and is shaped by ideology. Specifically, I will discuss how globalization manifests in these lesson plans, in occasionally helpful but more commonly harmful ways. Despite the topic being rarely addressed directly, issues such as competition, outdated binary divisions, and neoliberalism nonetheless are present and ideologically concerning.
Akira Kuwamura
Rethinking foreign language education in Japan to better match the actual needs of students and society
Aichi Prefectural University
2C • 11:25-12:45 • Classroom Discourse • Room LUJ 2C
Akira Kuwamura has been a language and international educator in Japan and the United States since late 1980s. He is currently an Associate Professor for International Education and Exchange at Aichi Prefectural University where he has engaged in program development and international student and study abroad advising for its international office since 2011. His areas of interest include internationalization of HEIs, second language teaching and learning, English-medium instruction, and sociolinguistics.
Japan has long relied on English as a target foreign language in secondary education. As such, resulting late exposure to other important languages in tertiary education affects their advanced learning at home and abroad. The presenter rethinks the nation’s foreign language education in a way that pursues student potential and aptitude for learning other languages while strengthening the current English language education meaningfully according to the interests and needs of the students and society.
Mary Hillis and Stew Markel
Utilizing Global Issues to Develop Discussion Skills
Kwansei Gakuin University
2C • 11:25-12:45 • Classroom Discourse • Room LUJ 2C
Mary Hillis, Associate Lecturer of English, Kwansei Gakuin University
Mary graduated from Muskingum University with a BA in French, International Business, and Economics. She earned her MA TESOL from Bowling Green State University. She is a member of TESOL and has served as chair of the Awards and Grants Committee. Her teaching and research interests are academic writing and writing centers. At Kwansei Gakuin, Mary has coordinated the EC5 and EC6 Seminar courses.
Stew Markel, Associate Lecturer of English, Kwansei Gakuin University
Stew received his BA in International and East Asian Studies from Kalamazoo College, and his M.Ed. in TESOL from Seattle University. Before relocating to Japan, he was the Coordinator of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) at the University of Notre Dame, Center for the Study of Languages and Cultures. His research interests include intercultural communication, International Teaching Assistant (ITA) training, and the assessment of oral proficiency.
This presentation will describe the development and implementation of a two-semester English for Academic Purposes (EAP) discussion skills course based around global issues. The presenters will offer attendees examples of in-class activities and approaches to materials development that provide students with skills needed as they move through their undergraduate curriculum as well as a strong foundation in order to build bridges in a globalized world.
Andrew Horvat, Paul Snowden, Dr. Gregory Poole
Bridges are Built from Both Ends: Japanese HE in an age of the globalized university
Josai International University, Kyorin University, Doshisha University
3A • 1:55-3:15 • Leadership and Global Citizenship • SGC 1 & 2
Journalist-turned-academic, Andrew Horvat switched careers in the mid-90s after noticing that the most vociferous complaints about difficulties accessing Japanese markets came from monolingual foreign businessmen. Horvat accepted a fellowship at the National Foreign Language Center in Washington DC, where he studied language policy which he now teaches at Josai International University. Between 2008 and 2013, Horvat directed Stanford University’s undergraduate program in Kyoto. He is author of Japanese Beyond Words.
Paul Snowden is Vice-President of Kyorin University, Tokyo, and Emeritus Professor of Waseda, where he was Dean of the School of International Liberal Studies, 2006-2010. Recently increasingly involved with lexicography (e.g. Kenkyusha’s New Japanese-English Dictionary 5th edn.), he has also written many textbooks for many kinds of language learners. He lectures occasionally on Shakespeare, cultural (mis)understanding, global citizenship and anything else that might qualify as an International Liberal Art.
Dr. Gregory Poole is a professor of sociocultural anthropology at the Institute for the Liberal Arts, Doshisha University. His research interests are in the anthropology of education, language, and Japan and his publications include the monograph, The Japanese Professor: An Ethnography of a University Faculty (2010), as well as two recent co-edited volumes, Reframing Diversity in the Anthropology of Japan (2015) and Foreign Language Education in Japan: Exploring Qualitative Approaches (2015).
"Success Stories" —
The success story is the Stanford Program in Kyoto which hires staff for specific skills linked to a clearly defined mission: to encourage students to acquire language and communication competencies through an international exchange experience in which classroom study, homestays, internships and extracurricular activities are designed as complementary segments of a total program. Lessons for Japanese IHEs: deliver the same quality of product both to Japanese students headed abroad and international students through radical reform.
"Intensive practical language development." —
Three kinds of joshiki: (1) Common practice, or what everybody has always done, e.g.: All universities use marksheets for entrance exams; (2) Common knowledge, or what everybody knows, e.g.: English teaching in Japan isn’t working; (3) Common sense, or how everybody ought to think, e.g.: Look for better ways to test! Suggestions will me made for testing, training, encouraging and financing studies that must involve overseas experience.
"High standards of achievement based on global, not internal, principles." —
What might we consider to be ‘high' standards in terms of pedagogy and research at Japanese HEIs?
Syllabi that are negotiated, classrooms that are “flipped”, and learning that becomes the responsibility of the students.
Curricula that are streamlined, offering more credit-hours per course and less time spent in classrooms.
Research is not merely a personal "hobby" of undergraduate academic staff to be done if time allows after the "real" work of administration and, secondly, teaching.
Patrick Naoya Shorb
From Isomorphic Structures to Divergent Practices: Recent Trends in Higher Education Quality Assurance in China, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, 1987-2017.
Akita International University
3A • 1:55-3:15 • Leadership and Global Citizenship • SGC 1 & 2
Patrick Naoya Shorb is an Associate Professor and Director of the Active Learning and Assessment Center at Akita International University (AIU), a public liberal arts college in Northern Japan. He received his BA in History from Yale University, his MA in Education Policy and Organization from Stanford University, and a PhD in East Asian Studies from Princeton University. His research interests focus on the history of education in East Asia and international higher education policy.
This presentation will explore the quality assurance mechanisms within four of the world’s most prominent university systems: China, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States. Analyzing trends in quality assurance through the lens of Walter Powell’s and Paul DiMaggio’s idea of institutional isomorphism, it will look at how higher education in these four countries have led to the adoption of similar frameworks for assuring quality while also diverging in actual practice.
Dr. Aaron Kingsbury and Lona Smith
Fostering learning though research in Japan: Reflections on taking undergraduate students from a small and rural university in the United States on their inaugural trip abroad
Mayville State University, North Dakota, USA
3B • 1:55-3:15 • Study Abroad • Room SGC 3
Dr. Aaron Kingsbury earned a PhD in geography from the University of Hawaii, USA. He has lived over 10 years in Japan and his research is centered on the construction of meaning and cultural change in agricultural communities across East Asia and North America.
Lona Smith earned a MA in Sociology from the University of North Dakota, USA. Her research is centered on social psychology and gerontology. This is her first experience in Asia.
Both Aaron and Lona are Assistant Professors at Mayville State.
Mayville State University (MSU) is situated in a town of less than 2,000 residents in a rural community in North Dakota, USA. MSU is a teaching college now seeking to expand on international opportunities for its students.
Through funding awarded by ASIANetwork, six students guided by two faculty of MSU conducted research projects in rural Yamanashi Prefecture during May/June of 2017. This presentation speaks to their experiences and growth as individuals and as a group.
Dr. Anthony L. Fenton and Dr. James P. Lassegard
Japanese University Student Mobility
Hosei University
3B • 1:55-3:15 • Study Abroad • Room SGC 3
In recent decades, Japanese student mobility has shown significant change. Considerable study abroad government support is aligned with short-term study programs, and whether or not it is sufficient to sustain long-term initiatives is unknown. This research examines government policies to increase Japanese students who study abroad, including the “tobitate” program. A review of government sources and related documents serves to inform on individual motivations and goals, as well as the potential effectiveness of the program.
Antonija Cavcic
Survival English
Asia University
3C • 1:55-3:15 • Trends in Japanese Higher Education • Room LUJ 2C
This presentation concerns the growing trends in marketing ESL as a means of preventing or slowing the onset of dementia in Japan. By introducing and analysing a range of senior-marketed ESL services currently available in Japan, I will not only question the role of the teacher in this context, but I will further question the efficacy of SLA as a means of disease prevention rather than a tool for communication.
Dr. Brett R. Walter
An Introduction to the Institute for the Promotion of Global Education
Hiroshima University
3C • 1:55-3:15 • Trends in Japanese Higher Education • Room LUJ 2C
Dr. Brett R. Walter (Lecturer, Hiroshima University), Institute for the Promotion of Global Education, Hiroshima University, Japan
The goal of this presentation is to provide participants with an insight into the development of the Institute for the Promotion of Global Education and discuss the potential of such a program in a Japanese University. Topics will include the development of the program, events and initiatives of the institute designed to bridge the gap from national to international faculty, problems the institute has faced and is still facing, and a discussion of some solutions for these problems.
Eva Liias
Go “super” global Japan! Responses of Japanese universities to internationalization
Freie Universität Berlin
3C • 1:55-3:15 • Trends in Japanese Higher Education • Room LUJ 2C
Eva Liias is currently a PhD candidate at the Freie Universität Berlin. She studied Japanese and Chinese studies as well as linguistics at the University of Tübingen in Germany and Sophia University in Tokyo. She also has working experience at the Qingdao University for Science and Technology in China. Her research interests include higher education and language policies in Europe and East Asia. Her PhD project focuses primarily on internationalization of Japanese elite universities.
Internationalization requires change of the existing institutions and change in the mindset of actors involved in these institutional settings. My presentation examines Japanese universities´ responses to pressures from their environment and suggests a set of factors which influence the implementation of governmental policies. My interview findings from 2016/2017 further suggest that internationalization policies tend to be implemented in isolation which rather destroys bridges already built than building new ones.
Dr. Alan Brender
Becoming Transnational Spells Success
Lakeland University Japan
3D • 1:55-3:15 • The Global Classroom • Room LUJ 3C
In 2005, the Japanese government recognized Lakeland University Japan as a foreign campus in Japan and allowed the school to sponsor student visas. Now, more than 40 percent of the students are non-Japanese hailing from over 35 countries and five continents. The influx of multi-nationals has created new dynamics in the classrooms and has led to significant growth rates each year at a time when other universities in Japan are struggling to stay solvent.
Christopher Haswell and Aaron Hahn
Connecting student perspectives with international English via the Global Model
Kyushu University, Fukuoka University
3D • 1:55-3:15 • The Global Classroom • Room LUJ 3C
Christopher G. Haswell is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Languages and Cultures at Kyushu University. His recent research has investigated university internationalization from the perspectives of teaching assistants, students, and faculty members.
Aaron Hahn is a Lecturer at Fukuoka University. He currently conducts research on how English language modeling can positively impact pedagogical practice, along with critical discourse analysis of TESOL scholarship.
Recent sociolinguistic trends recognize English as an intercultural lingua franca. However, strong preferences for classes which target "native speaker" norms remain. The Global Model of English provides educators with a conceptual tool to guide courses towards intercultural communication skills. Growing out of this model, our study presents data on student opinions regarding potential English class activities. From this data, we recommend activities which bridge the gap between student desires and internationally relevant language skills.
Emiliano Bosio
Implementing Principles of Global Citizenship Education into University Curricula
University College London (UCL)
3D • 1:55-3:15 • The Global Classroom • Room LUJ 3C
Emiliano Bosio, Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Assessment (CPA) at University College London, UK, and is a full time lecturer with Yokohama City University. His work is centered around developing and integrating innovative approaches to Global Citizenship Education (GCE) into university curricula. Born in Europe, Italy Mr. Bosio was educated at the University of Milan where he obtained a B.A. in Letter and Philosophy and then attended Soka University, Japan gaining a Master's Degree in TESOL-International Language Education.
I examine global citizenship graduate and undergraduate university programs launched across Japan, UK and the United States, and survey measurable competencies that are implied by global citizenship. The focus of the presentation is to answer three major research questions: how Global Citizenship Education (GCE) is conceptualized in universities courses and programs, what are the distinct pedagogical approaches of GCE within identified university courses, and what are the learners’ outcomes?
Dr. Anthony L. Fenton, Dr. Stephen Jennings, and David A. Gann
Curriculum articulation and the suitability of CLIL at an elite Japanese university
Tokyo University of Science
4A • 4:35-5:55 • EMI and CLIL at the Japanese University • Room SGC 1 & 2
Quality and standards are at the vanguard of university endeavours to become more globally competitive and fit for purpose. 'Quality assurance' impacts accreditation, ranking, certification, auditing, and benchmarking—with ‘curriculum articulation’ being our focus. Explored is CLIL adoption at an elite Japanese private science university, where English is taught in a wide variety of scientific disciplines. Our presentation's aim is to generate discussion with audience members with experience in other contexts.
Keith C. Hoy
Navigating the Power Dynamics: Finding common ground through a Community of Practice
Hiroshima Shudo University-Global Education
4A • 4:35-5:55 • EMI and CLIL at the Japanese University • Room SGC 1 & 2
Keith C. Hoy is a professor in the Global Education Group at Hiroshima Shudo University.
The presenter will examine a case study of an English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) content based university course involving native and second language speaking students. Specifically, it will focus on the pedagogic strategies that the instructor in this course used to create a Community of Practice (COP) in which the Japanese students clearly benefited due to a greater emphasis on inclusion, accommodation and participation that was practiced by all members within this classroom.
Robert Aspinall, Ken Arii, and George Solt
The Launching of a New Global Education Center in Doshisha University, Kyoto: Building bridges between university classes in Japan and overseas
Doshisha University
4A • 4:35-5:55 • EMI and CLIL at the Japanese University • Room SGC 1 & 2
Robert W. Aspinall D.Phil is a professor in the Center for Global Education at Doshisha University, Kyoto where he is in charge of social science subjects taught in the medium of English. He received his doctorate from St. Antony's College, Oxford. He is the author of Teachers Unions and the Politics of Education in Japan (SUNY, 2001) and International Education Policy in Japan in an Age of Globalisation and Risk (Brill, 2012).
This paper introduces the strategy developed by the new Center for Global Education at Doshisha University to provide classes that can meet the needs of students who are already comfortable taking part in discussions at a native-speaker level of English proficiency as well as those (especially first-years) who aspire to study in an English-medium environment but are still working at improving their language skills.
Joshua Jodoin
Adding Value to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Courses by Integrating English for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Japanese Higher Education
Kyoto University
4B • 4:35-5:55 • New Strategies • Room SGC 3
Joshua Jodoin is currently an Associate Lecturer of English (ALE) at Kwansei Gakuin University (KGU), Japan as well as a PhD student in Kyoto University’s Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES). He has previously worked at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) and Bilkent University in Ankara, Turkey as a language teacher. Joshua’s current interests revolve around Environmental Education (EE), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and English as a Foreign Language (EFL).
As Global Climate Change (GCC) and issues of sustainability make the front pages of daily newspapers around the world, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses fail to adequately address these critical issues. The presenter will discuss how to add value to language courses by using Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) principles and why this is so important. The presenter will also share the preliminary results of his PhD research from Kyoto University.
Kelly Hansen
New Mediums, New Messages: Rethinking Strategies for Effective Written Communication
Okayama University
4B • 4:35-5:55 • New Strategies • Room SGC 3
Kelly Hansen received a BA in English from Willamette University in Salem Oregon, an MA in linguistics from Michigan State University, and a PhD in Japanese from the University of Hawai’i. She has over twenty years of experience teaching ESL, Japanese, and Asian studies at universities in Japan, the United States, and Canada. She is currently professor and academic English advisor in the Discovery Program for Global Learners at Okayama University.
The internet has significantly altered the way that written text is created, disseminated, and consumed, yet many academic writing textbooks continue to emphasize essay formats with little connection to the online writing conventions that have become commonplace in recent years. This presentation examines characteristics of genres and rhetorical patterns found in internet writing, and considers how strategies to develop writing skills based on these models can encourage creativity while promoting academic excellence.
Octavian Dospinescu, Catalin Strimbei, Roxana Marina Strainu, and Alexandra Nistor
Technical Issues Regarding the Higher Education Systems in Romania
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania
4B • 4:35-5:55 • New Strategies • Room SGC 3
Octavian DOSPINESCU is a PhD Associate Professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. He is a specialist in information systems, having more than 15 years of experience. He is very concerned with improving educational systems, being involved in ARGIS project.
Catalin Strimbei is a PhD Associate Professor at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, Iasi, Romania. He teaches databases systems and advanced information systems.
Roxana Marina Strainu is a PhD student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza Unviersity and she is working at her thesis about e-education systems.
Alexandra Nistor is a PhD student at Alexandru Ioan Cuza Unviersity and she is preparing a thesis about testing the systems.
The presentation "Technical Issues Regarding the Higher Education Systems in Romania" is based on the results obtained in ARGIS project (Advanced Research of global information systems in the field of university education) by the research team. We present the specific issues of the higher education systems in Romania and we propose some technical solutions in order to solve these issues.
The presentation makes a combination between education systems and technical aspects that should be implemented in higher education so that we obtain a synergy effect.
Andrew Lawson
No Way! I Don’t Think So! – Developing Competency in Expressions of Disagreement
NIC International College in Japan
4C • 4:35-5:55 • Curriculum Changes and Challenges • Room LUJ 2C
Andy Lawson is a Glaswegian who, according to his childhood friends, has lost almost all of his accent since leaving Scotland two decades ago. He has thoroughly enjoyed living in the Narita area since, and can on occasion be seen and heard in local hostelries when there are major football or rugby matches being televised. He also enjoys trying to teach local kids to play rugby far better than he ever could as a youngster.
This presentation is based upon a study of 30 Japanese college students and language employed when expressing their disagreement over a variety of topics. These responses were compared with results from a previous study involving 30 native English speakers, examining differences and similarities in the respective groups’ use of mitigation strategies. Possible reasons for differences between the groups will be discussed, such as comparative limitations in grammatical and lexical competence, or more to cultural factors.
Takakazu Yamagishi and Tomomi Sasaki
Teaching Political Science in English: A Case Study Viewed from CLIL Approach
Nanzan University
4C • 4:35-5:55 • Curriculum Changes and Challenges • Room LUJ 2C
Takakazu Yamagishi: Professor, Faculty of Global Liberal Studies, Nanzan University
Tomomi Sasaki: MA student, Graduate School of Humanities, Nanzan University
The Japanese government has been emphasizing the importance of the English education in Japan. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is considered to be one of innovative approaches to remove students' language barrier to learn academic contents.
This project is a case study of one course from the viewpoint of CLIL researcher by investigating how a content teacher develops his class and how the class structure affects the students’ performance and motivation.
Laura MacGregor
CLIL Module on Print Advertisements for Advertising and Media Class
Gakushuin University
4C • 4:35-5:55 • Curriculum Changes and Challenges • Room LUJ 2C
Laura MacGregor teaches at Gakushuin University in the Faculty of International Social Sciences, which opened in April 2016. Besides her interest in advertising and film studies, she is researching EMI/CLIL at universities in Japan and Asia and the bridge courses supporting learner transition from studying English to studying in English.
The presenter will introduce a CLIL module for a university elective on advertising and the media. The goals are to increase students' awareness of the multi dimensions of ads and to equip them with the language and skills to critically analyse and talk about them in an academic setting.